Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Currently my #1 goal is to finish Undergrad. I have been working at this thing for a while. and it makes no since what so ever!! So my plan and goal is to finish that in Spring 2012. Getting there is going to kill me but I am going to make it!!lol
My #1 dream is to find something that I will LOVE to go to work to everyday. So far all I have done is work small jobs that have no room for advancement and little pay. But I want to have a job that I will feel like I accomplished something. That I am making a difference doing it.
#2: I know all the married women are going to look at this and go "GURRRLLLL don't dream of that!!" But my #2 dream is to be happily married. There have been so many times that I have wanted to share something, but there is no one to share it with. I want a best friend. And every married woman that I know says that their husband is their best friend. I want that.
So there... All of these are probably so simple that you all are like "Really???". But I'm a simple girl in need of simple things... Hopefully I will get them... one day...
I appreciate you being a woman who loves God and wants to be married. I'm a witness God is able. Just know that even when you're best friends it's extreme work. I'm trying to share my honest thoughts as a plu size Christian wife and mom at A couple of my friends said they wanted a place to hear and ask the real stuff. Thanks for the 30 days. =0)
Sorry it's
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