Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 Days of ME!! Day 1...

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

GREETINGS!! This maybe

  1. I LOVE JESUS!! (Just in case ya'll didn't know... We have a MAJOR love affair going on
  2. I LOVE to shop... I mean in the past I have done it because it was neccesary but now I actually LOVE it...
  3. In the last month or so I have come to enjoy being single... There is nothing like it...
  4. I have a thing for men's hair... So if you have bad hair... we can be friends...
  5. I fall asleep on my stomach, toes hanging off the bottom of the bed and my arms under my pillow... If you ever want me to get up and I don't move from this position just know I will not be getting up anytime
  6. My favorite food is chicken... I literally eat some type of chicken everyday...
  7. I have amazing face, feet and hands... I can accessorize them with anything and it will look good...
  8. I am good with my hair... When I was 14 my mom told me that I had to curl my hair everyday for school for a week and I did... After that I have just been able to take a hairdo (and sometimes a few instructions) and do it in my own hair...
  9. I am the youngest of 3 children... and the most spoiled...(obviously!!)
  10. I go to Peace College and LOVE IT!!
  11. My mom is my best friend... Really!! You'll see why on my post tomorrow...
  12. Being around children can change my whole attitude...
  13. My car is breaking down as I type and I am DYING to get a SUV...
  14. The largest purchase I have made in my life was my computer...
  15. I do not like okra and sweet tea... and YES, I am from the south!!
SO... I am done here... Holla!!

1 comment:

Curvy Debbie said...

I like your post, I cant do the same thing in my hair! too bad!